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The "Yellow" Car of Yogyakarta

Taxi - A lot of taxi you can see in Yogyakarta. But in this page i will give you the taxi often used people in Yogyakarta. People chosen metered taxi ("Taksi argo" in Bahasa) because this is fair taxi based on the distance and time. If  You want to use taxi, when you open the door, say to the driver "ARGO TAKSI?" If the driver answer your question with, "Yes, argo taksi.", you are get the right taxi. In the Latest post, i say "trap" in the Yogyakarta and the "trap" that were in the taxi.

What is the trap? When you choosed your taxi and closed the door, taxi driver will ask to you where you will go. For example, you just need 35 minutes from Adisucipto int. Airport to Malioboro in normal traffic time (except 7.00 am-8.00 am, 2.00 pm -5.00 pm and 7.00 pm-9.00pm). New tourists may not understand the way in Yogyakarta. Be careful, here can used by naughty taxi drivers by bringing passengers go circuitous exceeding the normal route. You can need more 35 minutes from Adisucipto Int. Airport to Malioboro! Here I suggest to you, if you use a taxi and first came to Yogyakarta, use the GPS (google maps) in your phone and guide the taxi driver to follow your GPS route. This will reduce your risk in lying. Specifically for airport official taxi, you can order it on the counter the right arrival gate at the airport after you get your bag in the arrival gate.

Rajawali Taxi

Citra Taxi
Premium Taxi
PT. Arga Surya Alam Perkasa (ASA Taxi)
Office :Timoho Street
(0274)545545 / (0274)545545

PT. Centris Raya Taxi Transportasi (CENTRIS Taxi)
Officei : North Ring Road, Ngemplak Street.
(0274) 7111111
FB : Centris Taxi Yogyakarta

Pandawa Taxi (PANDAWA Taxi)
Office : SWK 102 Street.
(0274) 370000
FB : Pandawa taksi yogyakarta

Pataga Taxi (PATAGA Taxi)
Office : Pramuka 9B Street.
(0274) 384384
FB : Pataga Taksi

Rajawali Taxi (Airport Taxi)
Office : Janti Street.
Operation Time : 6.00 am - last arrival flight.
(0274) 487676

Ria Taksi (Ria Taxi)
Office : Parang Tritis Street.
(0274) 414444
FB : Ria Taksi

Sadewo Taksi (Sadewa Taxi)
Office : Wirosaban Street.
(0274) 414343
FB : Taksi Sadewa

Setia Kawan Taksi (Setia Kawan Taxi)
Office : South Ring Road Sh 66 Street.
(0274) 412000
FB : setiakawan taksi

Vetri Taksi Puskoveri DIY  (Vetri Taxi)
Office : Tentara Rakyat Mataram 6 Street.
(0274) 563555

Indra Kelana Taksi (Indra Kelana Taxi)
Office : P.Mangkubumi Street.
(0274) 565565
FB : Indra Kelana Taksi Yogyakarta

PT. PS Armada Tambayo Kokasindo (Armada Taxi, Tambayo Taxi ,Kokasindo Taxi)

Office : Magelang km 8,8 Street.
(0274) 6998000,6998999

Jari Alam Sutera (Jas Taxi,Citra Taxi)

Office : Kapt.Tendean Street.
(0274) 373737
FB : Jas Taksi,Taksi Jas jogja

Primkopad/Primkopol (Primkopad Taksi,Primkopol Taxi (Cooperative of Indonesian Police))

Office : West Ring Road 85 Street.
(0272) 621333

Trans Jogja Track

Trans Jogja Track :
Trans Jogja has 8 tracks (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B).

1A: Prambanan Bus Station - Adisucipto Int. Airport - Tugu Station - Malioboro - Jogja Expo Center (JEC):
Prambanan Bus Station - S5. Kalasan - Adisucipto Int. Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (under fly over) - S3. UIN Kalijaga - S4. Demangan - S4. Gramedia Book Store - S4. Tugu - Tugu Station - Malioboro - S4. Central Post Office - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Sentul Traditional Market - S4. SGM milk plant - Gembira Loka Zoo - S4. Babadan -Gedongkuning - Jogja Expo Center - S4. Blok O - Janti ( by upper way) - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Int Airport - S5. Kalasan - Prambanan Bus Station.
Route : Jogja-Solo St. - Laksda Adisucipto St. - Urip Sumoharjo St. - Jend. Sudirman St. - Margoutomo St. - Kleringan St - Abu Bakar Ali St. - Malioboro St. - Margomulyo St. - Panembahan Senopati St. - Sultan Agung St - Kusumanegara St - Janti St. - East Ring Road St. - Laksda Adisucipto St, - Jogja-Solo St.
1B: Adisucipto int Airport - JEC - Center Post Office - Pingit - Gajah Mada University (UGM) - Condong Catur Bus Station:
Adisucipto Int. Airport – S3. Maguwoharjo – S3.Babarsari – Janti (by under way) – S4. Blok O – JEC - S4. Babadan -Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka Zoo – S4. SGM milk plant – S4. Sentul Traditional Market - S4. Gondomanan – S4. Central Post Office - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital – S3. Pasar Kembang (Sarkem) - S4. Badran – SAMSAT Circle – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Gramedia book store – UGM Circle – S3. Colombo – S4. Demangan – Condongcatur Bus Station – S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga University – Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Adisucipto Int. Airport.
Route : Laksda Adisucipto St.- East Ring Road St. - Janti - Kusumanegara St.- Sultan Agung St.- Panembahan Senopati St. - KH Ahmad Dahlan St. - Bhayangkara St.- Gandekan St. - Pasar Kembang (Sarkem) St. - Tentara Pelajar St. - Diponegoro St. - Jend. Sudirman St - Cik Di Tiro St. - Colombo St. - Gejayan (Affandi) St. - Anggajaya St. - Gejayan (Affandi) St.- Laksda Adisucipto St. - East Ring Road St.- Laksda Adisucipto St.
2A: Jombor Bus Station - Malioboro – Basen – Kridosono – UGM – Condong Catur Bus Terminal:
Jombor Bus Terminal - S4. Monjali - S4. Tugu - Tugu Station - Malioboro - S4. Central Post Office - S4. Gondomanan - S4. East Fort (Jokteng wetan) - S4. Tungkak - S4. Gambiran - S3 . Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka Zoo - S4. SGM milk plant - S3. Cendana - S4. Mandala Krida Stadium- S4. Gayam - Lempuyangan Flyover - Kridosono Stadium - S4. Duta Wacana University - S4. Mall Galeria - S4. Gramedia Book Store - UGM Circle - S3. Colombo - Condongcatur Bus Station - S4. Kentungan - S4. Jogja Kembali Monument - Jombor Bus Station.
Route : Magelang St. - Ring Road Utara St. - Nyi Tjokrolukito St. - AM Sangaji St. - Margoutomo St. - Kleringan St. - Abu Bakar Ali St. - Malioboro St - Margomulyo St. - Panembahan Senopati St. - Brigjen Katamso St. - Kol. Sugiyono St. - Menteri Supeno St. - Veteran St. - Gambiran St.- Perintis Kemerdekaan St. - North Gedongkuning St.- Kusumanegara St. - Cendana St.- Kenari St. - Bung Tarjo St. - Dr. Sutomo St. - Krasak Timur St. - Sudarso St. - Yos Sudarso St. - Wardhani St. - Trimo St. - Dr. Wahidin St. - Jend. Sudirman St. - Cik Di Tiro St. - Colombo St. - Gejayan (Affandi) St. - Anggajaya St - North Ring Road - Magelang St.
2B: Jombor Bus Station – Condongcatur Bus Station – UGM – Kridosono Stadium – Basen – Central Post Office – Wirobrajan - Pingit:
Jombor Bus Station – S4. Jogja Kembali Monument – S4. Kentungan – Condong Catur Bus Station – S3. Colombo – UGM Circkle – S4. Gramedia Book Store – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana University - Lempuyangan Flyover - S4. Gayam – S4. Mandala Krida Stadium – S3. Cendana – S4. SGM Milk Plant– Gembiraloka Zoo– S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S4.Tungkak – S4. East Fort (Jokteng Wetan) – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Central Post Office – S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital – S4. Ngabean – S4. Wirobrajan – S3. BPK – S4. Badran – SAMSAT Circkle – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Jogja kembali monument (Monjali) –  Jombor Bus Station.
Route : Magelang St. - North Ring Road St. - Anggajaya St. - Gejayan (Affandi) St. - Colombo St. - Cik Di Tiro St. - Suroto St. - Yos Sudarso St. - Sudarso St. - Krasak Timur St.- Dr. Sutomo St. -  Bung Tarjo St. - Cendana St. - Kusumanegara Sr. - North Gedongkuning St.- Perintis Kemerdekaan St. - Gambiran St. - Veteran St.- Menteri Supeno St. - Kol. Sugiyono St. - Brigjen Katamso St. - Panembahan Senopati St. - KH Ahmad Dahlan St. - KH Wahid Hasyim St.- Wates St. - HOS Cokroaminoto St. - Peta St. - Letjen Suprapto St. - Tentara Pelajar St. - Magelang St. - Wolter Monginsidi St.- AM Sangaji St. - Nyi Tjokrolukito St. - North Ring Road St.- Magelang St.
3A: Giwangan Bus Station – Kotagede – Adisucipto Int. Airport – North Ringroad – Magister Manag. UGM – Pingit – Malioboro – West Fort (Jokteng Kulon):
Giwangan Bus Station – S4. Tegalgendu – S3. HS-Silver – Nyi Pembayun St. - S3. Pawn Shop Kotagede – S3. Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC - S4. Blok O – Janti (By upper way) - S3. Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo - Bandara ADISUCIPTO - S3. Maguwoharjo – North Ring road – Condongcatur Bus Station – S4. Kentungan – S4. Magister Manag. UGM - S4. Mirota Kampus Store – S3. Gondolayu bridge – S4. Tugu – S4. Pingit – SAMSAT Circkle - S4. Badran – S3. PasarKembang (Sarkem) – TUGU Station - Malioboro – S4. Central Post Office – S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital – S4. Ngabean – S4. West Fort (Jokteng Kulon) – S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. East Fort (JoktengWetan) – S4. Tungkak – S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tegalgendu – Giwangan Bus Station.
Route : Imogiri St. - Pramuka St. - Tegal Gendu St. - Nyi Pembayun St. - Kemasan St. -  North Gedongkuning St. - Janti St. - East Ring Road St. - Laksda Adisucipto St. - North Ring Road St. - Anggajaya St. - North Ring Road St. - Kaliurang St. - Teknika Utara St. - Kesehatan Sekip St. - Bhinneka Tunggal Ika St. - Kaliurang St. - Cik Di Tiro St. - Suroto St. - Yos Sudarso St. - Abu Bakar Ali St. - Ahmad Jazuli St. - Prau St. - Jend. Sudirman St. - Diponegoro St. - Tentara Pelajar St. - Letjen Suprapto St. - Pasar Kembang (sarkem) St. - Malioboro St. - Margomulyo St. - KH Ahmad Dahlan St. - KH Wahid Hasyim St. - MT Haryono St. - Mayjen Sutoyo St. - Kol. Sugiyono St. - Menteri Supeno St. - Gambiran St. - Pramuka St. - Imogiri St.
3B: Giwangan Bus Station – West Fort (Jokteng Kulon) – Pingit – Magister Manag. UGM – North Ring Road – Adisucipto Int. Airport – Kotagede:
Giwangan Bus Station – S4. Tegalgendu - S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tungkak – S4. East Fort (Jokteng Wetan) – S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. West Fort (Jokteng Kulon) – S4. Ngabean – S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital – S3. Pasar Kembang (Sarkem)  – S4. Badran – SAMSAT Circkle – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S3. Gondolayu Bridge – S4. Mirota Kampus Store – S4. Magister Manag. UGM - S4. Kentungan – Condong Catur Bus Station – North Ring Road – S3. Maguwoharjo – Adisucipto Int. Airport – S3. Maguwoharjo –  JantivFlyover (by under way) – S4. Blok O – JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S3. Kotagede Pawnshop Office – Nyi Pembayun St. - S3. HS-Silver – S4. Tegalgendu – Giwangan Bus Station.
Route : Imogiri St. - Pramuka St. - Tegalturi St. - Sorogenen St. - Lowanu St. - Kol. Sugiyono St. - Mayjen Sutoyo St. - MT Haryono St. - KH Wahid Hasyim St. - Bhayangkara St. - Gandekan St. - Pasar Kembang (Sarkem) St. -Tentara Pelajar St. - Diponegoro St. - Jend. Sudirman St. - I Dewa Nyoman Oka St. - Abu Bakar Ali St. - Cik Di Tiro St. - Kaliurang St. - Bhinneka Tunggal Ika St. - Kesehatan Sekip St. - Teknika Utara St. - Kaliurang St.- Ring Road Utara St. - Anggajaya St.- North Ring Road - Laksda Adisucipto St. - East Ring Road St. - Janti St. - North Gedongkuning St.- Kemasan St.- Nyi Pembayun St.- Tegal Gendu St. - Pramuka St. - Imogiri St.
4A: Giwangan Bus Station - Tamansiswa - Pakualaman - Lempuyangan - Kridosono:
Route : Giwangan Bus Station - Imogiri Timur St. - Pramuka St. - Perintis Kemerdekaan St. - Menteri Supeno St. - Taman Siswa St. - Sultan Agung St.- Gadjah Mada St. - Hayam Wuruk St - Kridosono Stadium - Hayam Wuruk St. - Gadjah Mada St.- Sultan Agung St. - Taman Siswa St. - Menteri Supeno St.- Perintis Kemerdekaan St. - Pramuka St.- Imogiri Timur St.- Giwangan Bus Station.
4B: Giwangan Bus Station - XT Square - SGM Milk Plant - Town Hall - UIN - Kridosono Stadium - Balai Yasa Train workshop - UIN:
Giwangan Bus Station - Imogiri Timur St.- Pramuka St. - Perintis Kemerdekaan St.- Veteran St. -  Pandean St. - Glagahsari St. - Kusumanegara St - Sidobali St. - Ipda Tut Harsono St. - Urip Sumoharjo St. - Sudirman St. - Suroto St. - Jardani St. - Kusbini St. - Langensari St. - Urip Sumoharjo St. - Ipda Tut Harsono St. - Sidobali St. - Kusumanegara St. - Glagahsari St. - Pandean St.- Veteran St. - Perintis Kemerdekaan St. - Pramuka St.- Imogiri Timur St. - Giwangan Bus Station.

Trans Jogja Bus

Okay, in This post, i will describe to you about Trans Jogja Bus. Trans Jogja Bus is Public transport in Yogyakarta City from Government of Yogyakarta. The bus color is green-yellow, with Air conditioning and this transportation is favourite transportation for traveller especially backpaker. Why? Because this bus is cheap, you just pay Rp. 3.600,- (1 IDR = USD 13.129 - March 2015) and you can going to all of place covering by Trans Jogja Bus operation rute only with one pay

If you had landed at Adisucipto International Airport Yogyakarta, you just go to the arrival gate, get your bag, exit the door and turn to the left. Enter the tunnel and get the escalator, follow the way to the west lobby of the airport. You will see a bus shelter on the right.  
You can choose the mode of payment. Be able to buy a subscription card or pay cash. I suggest you buy a subscription card as practical and just tap on the machine when you will boarding. Remember, all of payment in rupiah. Better, you exchange your money into rupiah in your Country. Because foreign exchange spread at money changer in airport very high, it can harm you

If you already tap the card, tell the clerk where your destination. Prepare your keyword destination and ask him what bus track would you take and must change the bus or not in interchange bus shelter. Trans Jogja has 8 track (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B). Click here to see the bus track.
Trans Jogja Bus
Operational Hr     : 6.00 Am - 10.00 Pm
Ticket Price          : Rp. 3.600,-/person (1 IDR = USD 13.129 -March 2015)

Trans Jogja's farthest destination 
- North : Jombor Bus Terminal, Monumen Jogja Kembali, Condong Catur Bus Terminal,  UPN Veteran, Ringroad Jalan Kaliurang.

- East   : Prambanan Temple

- South : Giwangan Central Bus Terminal

- West  : Hos Cokroaminoto St 

Best Place For Sleep In Yogyakarta

Accomodation - Okay! In this time, i will describe to you how you can choose your best accomodation. In Yogyakarta, you can find many hostels, hotel, inn, boarding house and guest house in different specification and rate. But in this page, i will give you hotel that near from Bus Shelter so you can save your energy to walk and you can use Bus (Trans Jogja) to go everywhere with cheap rate. Click here to see Trans Jogja route    If you want to travel in Yogyakarta with backpacker style, i think you better to choose boarding house or hostel. So, Customize to your needs and be smart guys.

Hotel List :


5 STAR : Hotel Tentrem (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to bus Shelter), The Phoenix Hotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter),  Hyatt Regency (North of Yogyakarta, Far to bus shelter), Melia Purosani (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Grand Aston (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Royal Ambarrukmo (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Eastparc (East of Yogyakarta, Near to Buas Shelter), Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta (East of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter).

4 STAR : The 101 Yogyakarta Tugu (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Grand Tjokro (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Jambuluwuk (Center of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), The Jayakarta Yogyakarta (East of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Inna Garuda (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Horison Ultima Riss (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Crystal Lotus (North of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Novotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Cavinton (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Indoluxe (North of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Jogja Plaza (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Grand Quality (East of Yogyakarta, Near from Bus Shelter), Ros In (South of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), The Alana (North of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter).

3 STAR : Dafam Fortuna Malioboro (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), @ HOM Platinum (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Grand Zuri Malioboro (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Fave Hotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), The Edelweiss (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Fortune Fest (North East of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Puri Artha (Centralvof Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter),The Victoria (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Cakra Kusuma (North of Yogyakarta, Near from Bus Shelter and food store), Villa Pondok Tera (South of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Ibis Styles Yogyakarta (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter).

2 STAR : Whiz Hotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter),Citra Dream (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Tickle (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Istana Batik Ratna, POP Hotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Paku Mas (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Laxton (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), UNY Hotel (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter) , Hotel Sagan (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Cityhub (North of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter).

1 STAR : Peti Mas (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Blue Safir (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Orlen (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Hotel Batik (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Dalem Agung Palagan (North of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Hotel Lilik (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Malioboro Pallace (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Tiga Lima Homestay (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), D Ajenk Boutique Guest House (North of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter) , Puri Chorus  (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter) , Grand Rosella (South of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Shelter), Venezia Garden Hotel (South of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Omah Garuda Guest House (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Ndalem Gamelan (Central of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Rumah Teras (North of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Kusuma Hotel (North of Yogyakarta, Far to Bus Shelter), Pyrenees Jogja (Central of Yogyakarta, Near to Bus Stop). 

I will describe to you  what is "Central, North, South, West, East of Yogyakarta". Central of Yogyakarta mean this area in Ring Road Street. What's ring road? Ring Road is a road that surroundings of Yogyakarta City . If you write "Yogyakarta" in google maps you will see Central area of Yogyakarta is in a road in circle line in yellow color (ring road). So, what about the north, west, east, and south area? That's a simple, North area is north from ring road, West area is west from ring road, East area is east from ringroad. Butt.. South area is not south from ring road, but south area is south from Sultan Pallace (Keraton) and finish to the beach line.

Welcome to Hidden Paradise

Hello Traveller, are you interesting about Yogyakarta? Yes, you in right place. If you think Indonesia just in Bali, its wrong, very wrong. Indonesia have a lot of nice place, just not in Bali. Yogyakarta is Special Distric from Indonesia in the south Java island. You just needs 45 minuts from Soekarno Hatta International Airport to Yogyakarta Airport (Adisucipto International Airport). The Yogyakarta people is very humble and welcome to all of strangers. They open minded for all of culture from others. In this City, you can find a lot of cultures, a lot of foods, a lot of events, annnddd.... so many cheaper things u can buy! LOL :D Hmm... Introduce my self, Im Descandra, local people from Yogyakarta with limited english languange skill. hahahaha lol :D Buttt... I try to learn English and try to write this blog in English so well. Forgive me if my writing is bad. its not important i think. The point is, i can guide all of people want to travel in Yogyakarta so as not to get caught in the "little trap". Trappp??? Yes, so many trap in Yogyakarta especially for foreign tourists. Taxi drivers who cheat you with unlogical rate, take you a long route, etc. And, guide you to go to other place (excpt  : Malioboro, Keraton, Tamansari, Prambanan Temple, Borobudur). That's mainstream rute, you must try other destination with unforgottale momment in this little City.To be continue in the next page...

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